Based in Somerset, England
available Internationally
This page is where I will put works in progress -
but bear in mind, these will likely be just that, works in progress:
raw first drafts with all the inconsistencies that entails.
Click here to open a pdf for a draft
of a sample of my current project -
a follow up of sorts to The Carpetbagger.
This new one is titled,
The Wretched
and, I must point out, it contains
Adult Themes and all that that entails.
Below are some photographs relating to places/settings
described in The Wretched.
©Rachael Anne Long 2022
Three views of the
Llandogger Trow pub/tavern.
The picture on the right is with the river behind me.
In the picture below, the pub extended a further two gable widths to the left, prior to being bombed in WW2.
On the left
The Old Duke
aka The Duke of Clarance. My back is to the Llandogger.
On the right, looking down to the river and buildings on the opposite side.
On the left the view over the river. The boats at left and right are floating bars/eateries. On the opposite side of the river are, now converted, former warehouses.
On the right, looking back up from the river.
Three views of The Grand Hotel.
Left and right looking up Small Street which is a dead end. The building on the right is the old Guildhall.
Below, the view looking down Small Street.