Rachael Anne Long

Author & Writer

Based in Somerset, England

available Internationally

New York subway, West 4th Street

Feldberg im Schwarzwald, Germany

Feldberg Tower with clouds

Sankt Peter im Schwarzwald, Germany

a peaceful retreat above the village of St Peter

Places of inspiration - a note taken here, an idea jotted there

all pictures on these pages are copyright - not to be used without permission

©Rachael Anne Long 2024

Minamisaiwai, Yokohama

Communications mast with

wispy cloud

Nishishinjuku, Tokyo 

Mixing the low with the tall

Asakusa, Tokyo

Three crossings and a jinrikisha - human-powered vehicle

Nezu-jinja Shrine, Tokyo

Tunnel of Torii gates

This is the ruined 18th century church, St Michael's. It sits atop Burrow Mump. A 'mump' is a Somerset word for a rounded hill.

Somerset Levels

I live within easy reach of the Somerset Levels, a large wetland area in the county of  Somerset.

The levels have been used in one way or another since Palaeolithic times.

below, left and right

Two views of the Somerset Levels from the top of Burrow Mump

A somewhat fuzzy image of

St Michael's church atop

Burrow Mump.

A rather gloomy view from the Somerset Levels with a recently pollarded avenue of trees. Pollarding is an (extreme) pruning method used to keep trees small.

The Edge of the Blackdown Hills, Somerset

A short drive from where I live are the Blackdown Hills, formerly an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty or AONB, now rebranded as

Blackdown Hills National Landscape

These photos are from some woodland on the edge of the Blackdown area

A view through the trees

Small tree bends but manages to hold up cloud

Twisted roots and fallen trees

A home for the apocalypse...fallen tree, one side closed in by foraged wood

Extreme close up - A foxglove or

Digitalis purpurea - a bit of a toxic one

Somewhere in the woods...